Blanche Tanner

Blanche Tanner is of Celtic ancestry and comes from a long line of dreamers, midwives, and psychic intuitive s. She is the oldest of six children, a mother and grandmother.
At 18 she apprenticed as a gold smith and many years later owned and operated a jewellery manufacturing company in Vancouver, BC. Her destiny, however, was to follow a spiritual healing path.
In 1973 Blanche met her first spiritual teacher, “Lobsang Rampa,” who had written 15 books about his life in the monastery in Tibet. He introduced her to many metaphysical teachings.
The following year Blanche was initiated into a meditation practice called Knowledge with Prem Pal Rawat (Maharaji). She continued to live for many years in a spiritual community with others who also practiced Knowledge. As a student, practitioner and teacher of meditation for over 50 years, she teaches that the source of clarity , personal power and love lives within each one of us.
Blanche became involved with Breathwork in 1984 after being deeply impressed by the power and understanding that this experience affords. Realizing quickly that this was the work she wanted to do in her life, she participated in a six month intensive with a group called “New World Network” in Vancouver, BC. As a direct result of that experience she went on to train as a Breath Practitioner with Marnie Darnel, a Certified Breath Practitioner and pipe carrier.
Blanche has now been utilizing Breathwork as part of her own personal journey, and as a healing modality with her clients, for over 35 years.
Blanche has additionally studied Medicine Wheel and Shamanic teachings with Susan Martin, (Aboriginal Teacher, Pipe Carrier, Sweat lodge facilitator), Michael Harner’s Shamanic studies and Stuart Wilde’s Spiritual Warrior training. She has experienced many Sweat Lodge Ceremonies and participated in Vision Quests as part of her initiation into Indigenous Spiritual practices.
Blanche has also facilitated Women’s retreats for many years with ceremony around moon time teachings (menstrual cycles) and menopause. She has been blessed to co facilitate several women’s retreats with Aline Laflamme, pipe carrier, drum maker, sweat lodge leader, sun dancer and aboriginal teacher.
Blanche has been studying Bert Hellinger’s Family Constellation work and was trained by Francesca Mason-Boring, Franz Rupert, and many other amazing facilitators . She has studied Voice Dialogue with Hal and Sidra Stone and been a student of Master Ou’s and a practitioner of Pangu Shengong Qi Gong. Blanche has also studied Trauma release work with Judith Moser who had trained with Peter Levine.
Blanche holds a deep respect and reverence for all the teachers and teachings that have enriched her connection to mother earth and all of her relations.
Presently, Blanche has a private practice in the beautiful West Kootenays. Her sessions range from 2 to 2 1/2 hours. For more information or to book and an appointment
Call: 250-505-6166 or e-mail
“Testimony” : I wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for me, and for my wife I’m overcome with gratitude this morning and I feel so blessed to have been shown the way by incredible people like you. You inspire me to live a beautiful life, and I’ll always be grateful for that. Yesterday was really powerful, So thank you for taking the extra time with me. Everything is coming together now, and I am excited to see where this life takes me!
With love and admiration Jeremiah
Harreson Tanner

Harreson has been in clinical practice for over 45 years utilizing modalities such as the Atlasprofilax Method, Osteopathic Manipulation, Cranial/Sacral Therapy, Emotional Clearing and Energy Healing for people from all walks of life. Treating a wide variety of conditions such as migraines/headaches, TMJ dysfunction, frozen shoulder, whip lash, chronic and acute lumbo-sacral conditions, stress and trauma related symptoms.
Harreson’s commitment is to provide compassionate therapy that is non–invasive and effective.
- Physical Therapy and Osteopathic Manipulation
- Atlasprofilax Method
- Cranial-Sacral Therapy
- Bowen Therapy
- Ligament Articular strain Technique (L.A.S.T)
- Emotional Clearing (The Emotional Code)
- Energy Healing
Throughout Harreson’s 45 plus years of clinical practice he has integrated many additional techniques and modalities into his unique approach to therapy and healing. His seasoned knowledge and experience can be measured by the results reported by his many patients and clients. Harreson has been a student, practitioner and teacher of meditation for over 50 years, a teacher/practitioner Qi Gong, and has studied and taught Conscious Breathing techniques for over 35 years. Harreson co-facilitates workshops on Family Constellations and Conscious Breathing with Blanche throughout B.C., Alberta, the Northwest Territories, and Germany.
Harreson has also had the honor and privilege to experience many indigenous ceremonies. He has participated in many Sweat Lodge Ceremonies and four Vision Quests as part of his spiritual development. This has instilled in him a deep respect for these teachings, and reverence for the beauty and connection to the natural world.
To book an appointment or inquiries please email:
or call (250) 505-6166.
“Thanks to your skill I could do the 16 day, 192 mile walk on my England holiday. The pain relief was immediate. I almost cried in gratitude when after months of pain it came to an abrupt ending after only 50 minutes of therapy.”
— Sharon, Riondel, B.C.
“I am so grateful that Harreson worked on my back. As a result, I woke up the next morning with no pain! This ended 6 years of chronic pain. He also gave me several unique exercises that will continue to support his work so that I am empowered to do my own self care. Thank you very much Harreson”
— Karen, Redwood Meadows, Alberta