Family Constellations

Systemic Constellation work is new in the field of psychotherapy. It is both integrative and almost revolutionary.

This powerful, innovative process can be used to untangle the many levels of subtle, hidden webs that operate within systems (individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.) Constellation work is especially useful in helping to resolve difficult and intractable problems not accessible by other means.

Constellation Work addresses issues such as:

  • Unexplained sadness, grief, anger, and shame
  • Addictions and other destructive behaviors
  • Relationship failures and confusion (with parents, siblings, partners, or children)
  • Parenting problems and painful family situations (i.e. divorce, single parenthood, miscarriage, infertility, abortion, adoption/ custody)
  • Depression and unhappiness
  • Illnesses and chronic health problems (i.e. migraine, asthma, eating disorders, chronic backache, depression, anxieties and phobias, suicidal tendencies, drug and alcohol abuse)
  • Adoption issues
  • Loss of direction and purpose
  • Repetitive “accidents”
  • Professional conflicts
  • Business failures and money problems
  • Organizational confusion

International Systemic Constellations Association

“The constellation process was amazing in how it revealed insights to all sorts of situations. My constellations allowed me to see with my own eyes the obstacles that have been holding me back and now set me free if I choose!” Carey, Yellowknife. Northern Territories, Canada

“Very Powerful work.” Lone, Yellowknife, NT

Ready to explore some Authentic Ancesterol healing with some of the Best Trust Authentic Facilitators. This is a totally different way to heal family “stuff”, it’s really quite cool, and deep. Is this your “Synchronicity or Sign”??? I love Blanche Tanner and Harrison, they are gentle yet powerful healing facilitators.  And the Location at Gray Creek, well…… that’s another story Annette( Creston)

“I was amazed at everything that came out during the sessions was confirmed as being ‘RIGHT’ by the ‘clients’.” Dick, Blairmore, Alberta

“I am Anita, the Dutch girl that participated in your workshop in Oct 2008. I must thank you so deeply for the work at the constellation day. It felt so special to be part of the circle, such intense stories and events. Super powerful and magical. I loved it. On top of that, I traveled to the Netherlands right after the workshop and had a fantastic time. My family members did not fight at all with me nor each other and we even had a family goodbye dinner on my last night, and just had fun. No disputes, just smiles. I do not recollect that atmosphere in my family ever before! So thank you for your wisdom and I urge everyone to go out in Europe and study this constellation therapy. It had immediately worked for me, and I feel very good about it. My brother might even go to see a counselor in Amsterdam! In hope our path will cross again soon!” Love Anita, Nelson B.C.